A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a detailed astrological diagram that shows the exact positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial bodies at the time of your birth. It is based on three key details: Birth Date, Exact Birth Time, Place of Birth. The birth chart is divided into 12 houses, each representing different areas of life such as personality, family, finances, education, and career. It reveals how the cosmic energies at the time of your birth influence your behavior, thoughts, and decisions throughout your life. Unlike general horoscopes, a birth chart offers highly personalized insights, helping you align with your true self.
Your birth chart acts as a blueprint for your dharma (life’s purpose) and karma (past deeds), showing what you are meant to achieve and the lessons you are meant to learn. It offers clarity about your potential and the path you should follow for personal fulfillment and spiritual growth.
Your birth chart acts as a blueprint for your dharma (life’s purpose) and karma (past deeds), showing what you are meant to achieve and the lessons you are meant to learn. It offers clarity about your potential and the path you should follow for personal fulfillment and spiritual growth.
The birth chart highlights your professional strengths, suggesting ideal career paths, opportunities for growth, and potential challenges. It also sheds light on financial prospects, including wealth accumulation, investment strategies, and the best periods for financial decision-making.
Your birth chart reveals potential health concerns and strengths. Astrologers can identify vulnerable areas in your physical and mental health and suggest preventive measures like mantras, remedies, and lifestyle adjustments to maintain overall well-being.
Centuries of Expertise: At Arcot K.V. Seetharamaiyer Jothida Nilayam®, we have a legacy of over a century in the field of astrology, with expertise in Vakiya and Tirukanitham systems. Our astrologers offer deep insights based on traditional methods combined with modern interpretations.